Photo by ladybugbkt
So once again things are changing here on the farm. We have had some difficulty with #4's teachers. I have been to the school more times than I can could count and was re-teaching everything to him when he got home form school. The teacher was unkind in so many ways, it was just too much.
I took the leap and we are now homeschooling #4 and #5. It is a big step, I am still a bit shocked at our choice but I can already see a huge difference in attitude and self esteem. A poor teacher can really do quite a bit of dammage and we are working on repairing that.
I have some friends that Homeschool, (and do it well)and have gotten so much help from them. I LOVE the curriuclms that we are using and it really makes teaching my kiddos fun. I am glad for the change but terrified all the same. I love being with the kids and they have really stepped it up a notch and are doing wonderful things.