I got an amazing early birthday gift today from Hunky Hubby!!! I was so excited that #1 thought that I might be loosing my marbles.
I do a ton of canning in the summer, and love to use my pressure canner. I had one that would can 7 quarts at once, that is OK if you only do a bit of canning. Two years ago I canned over 1500 quarts all of them 7 at a time. I spent most of the summer standing at the stove.
I am so thrilled with the new canner, it will process 19 quarts at a time!!!! It is a huge thing and weighs almost 40 pounds. I think my canning will go much faster with this new addition. I think I could just scream I am so excited!! Thanks Hubby..
hmm... well I hope all the kisses went to your husband and the the ups man! That really should save you some time, ease your feet and trim your arms and save on cooking fuel.
The really sweet thing is that you are thrilled.
ROCK ON! That is probably the best bday present ever. And those babies aren't cheap, so kudos to the hubs.
I heart my UPS, FedEx, and USPS men! I eagerly look forward to what might come to my door next!
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