I have been away for a bit. It has taken me a few weeks to recover from the CSA's. I am glad we are finished for the year, it has been a difficult year for me with the pregnancy.
I am busy preparing for the arrival of a bouncing baby girl.
We are so excited to welcome a new little person in to our home. It had been 6 years since we have had a little one!! I can't believe it has been that long, can it really be? I am working on cloth diapers and other things for the baby. I brushed the dust off my sewing machine and have been hard at work. It seems like forever since I have sewn anything, luckily baby things are small.
The farm is slowing down, we have had a few cold nights and the gardens are ready to be put to sleep till next summer. I have a quite a bit of clean up out there, I like to do a little at a time during the last of summer but this year I didn't get anything done. We are still harvesting some things, lettuce, beets, turnips,Swiss chard, carrots and some herbs. I am tired of the garden... I know, I know....
exciting! 6 days until we find out what we are having! :)
I still can't believe that Adam is going to have all those girls--who-da thunk it! I hope S. boy is surviving all his sisters.
Congrats! and make sure you post or send a picture of the new one. We can't wait to see her.
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