We have a farmer friend that came to mow the pastures, he is a serious farmer...
he comes to the house after mowing for a hour or so....
ummm mam you have something growing down behind the pond and I don't know if I should now it or not....
I ask in my most farmish way..What is it?
He replies well I don't rightly know...
Well at this point I am puttin on my rubber boots to trek the field to see what is confusing this poor farmer so much. With a trail of animals behind me( all thinking that I have cookies) I walk to the lower pasture, behind the pond to gaze on a large patch of..... ( I guess the photo gives it away?) Butternut squash! WHAT?? Where the heck did that come from?? They were beautiful and not a squash bug anywhere. Now grow that same squash up closer to the house and we have a squash bug convention on our hands.
In the fall after the local orchards close I have been blessed to get truckloads of the pumpkins and winter squash that did not sell. I give the old squash and pumpkins to the sheep and cows as a treat throughout the winter. I guess that some squash seeds made it through the digestive track of someone and now I have a lovely squash patch! Who would of thought???
That is a nice surprise. Also surprised he didn't know what a butternut squash was.
Well yum! What a lovely surprise.
SO GLAD you're back for my fall apron swap!!
I love those fun surprises! I have a self-perpetuating cilantro and parsley "problem" in my yard. There's worse things. :D
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