I got a wonderful opportunity to take a brief vacation from farm life. I went home to visit family for three days!!! ALL BY MYSELF!! oh ya it was awesome. I love the farm and would not change a thing but it is nice to get a breather.
We are in the process of drying off Gladys and Mable. Gladys is due to have her calf mid May and Mable is mid June. We are no longer milking Gladys and we are fast approaching that with Mable. I am happy and sad for this.. I will miss the milk and the time spent in the barn but I am looking forward to sweet new calves. We are keeping our fingers crossed for heifers.
The greenhouse is overflowing with plants. This spring has been COLD and wet some plants are in a holding pattern for warmer weather. I think we are scheduled for some of that later this week. I will be working long hours to get everything in that I have waiting. The herbs in the greenhouse are really enjoying the hot humid climate and have put on tons of growth I have noticed the biggest growth in the thyme it needs a haircut!! Time to make my famous onion thyme jam... yum!!!!
Hello Heather~ ~ ~
It's so nice to meet you. I saw you over at MJFarm. I've read your first page but must read more of your farm life. We live in farm country too but we only have an acre. How is your sweet doggie. Hope he is now just fine. The little lambs grow so fast. Many of our neighbors have lambs too right now. Cuteness factor is off the charts! Please stop by for a visit.~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Heather~ ~Please share with me your recipes for cheese making. I do not have a cow but can get raw milk from the neighbors. Is there a book of recipes that you like? I enjoyed my time visiting you. Thanks for sharing~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
O.K. your onion thyme jam sounds a little scary, but interesting too. You'll have to post a recipe so that the rest of us can try it out--unless it is a secret family recipe.
I'm looking forward to warmer weather too.
Hi Heather, thanks for stopping by my blog! Wow you are a real farm girl! Cows, chickens, lambs and more...oh how I admire you! I know it must be hard work! I really want to raise a few chickens...trying to talk my hubby into it. My friend down the road has chickens and she shares her eggs with us...what a difference from store bought! Thanks for sharing your farm life!
Aunt Ruthie
Heather, Wow. Your blog is fantastic. What fun it is to read about your farm. I'd love to hear more about your greenhouse. The goats are adorable, do they stay that way? I pick up farm eggs whenever I can. Yep, there sure is a difference in consistency and flavor. Love your blog: Keep blogging! Rebekah, The City Farmgirl
Reane I will send you some jam it is to die for on a toasted onion bagel heavenly!!!
Ahrisha their are several cheese making books out there that are good Ricki carroll from new england cheesemaking has a great begininer book.
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