We have or should I say I have had a stomach bug. It has made for a LONG hard week. It has been such a long time since I have been ill like that. I had forgotten how much having a temp can slow one down. I am thrilled however it was only a stomach bug, with all the creepy flu's that are out there I'll take the stomach one. I am not up to eating much yet but feel so much better. I sure am glad to be out of bed!!
Not fun!
So sorry to hear it. I sent you a little package. I hope it got to you already. If not let me know.
Sorry your ill... So hard especially during a pregnancy!!
Look at your blog last spring and then could not remember how to get back to it. Glad to have found it again!!
I love Lucy!! She looks so sweet!
And I am completely impressed with the diapers you have sewn!! I used cloth diapers but I had to buy them. I do some sewing but I'm not sure if I could tackle diapers. :-) You will be a proud Mama when you new little one comes and you get to wrap that first little nappy around her sweet little body.
When are you due?
Thanks Carissa I do like the new diapers. I have been sewing the touch tape on them and I fo und that sewing velcro is no fun!!lol
I am due in February.
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