Tuesday, December 2, 2008

More canning


I counted jars back on September 23rd at that time we had 1100 jars. Since that time I have continued to put up a bit so I would guess we have around 1400 jars of yumminess! It doesn't look like much on the shelves I was surprised at how many we had. I am just about out of jars though. I need to get on freecycle and see if I can get some more jars. We have had a good year and I canned everything I could get my hands on. I have been on a "convience" food kick, I canned soup and meat that is ready to eat. Just heat and serve!! I love the idea of having a fast homemade meal without all the creepy stuff in the stuff from the store.
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smoothiejuice's hectichousehold said...

look at that amazing pantry. what r ur tricks? how did u learn to can?

Heather said...

I started small with jam, and got hooked. I love to have things from the garden even in the winter. I have quite a collection of canning cook books. I use the new ball "Complete book of home preserving" often. Once you get the gist of what to do it is easy. It takes a bit of time but well worth the effort.

smoothiejuice's hectichousehold said...

ok, thank you, i will be finding that book and pouring thru it as i always grow enough to feed an army and then give it all away. thank you